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President’s Message - I am honored to welcome our new and returning members as your 2024-2025 Orange County Chapter of the American Payroll Association (OCCAPA) President. As I enter my first year as… Read More

Upcoming Events

Aug 15, 2024

Emerging Issues in State Unemployment

Matt has over 20 years of expertise in unemployment cost management, employment and income verifications and tax credits & incentives.

After graduating from Cornell, Matt started his career at Barnett Associates as an Unemployment Tax Analyst, ultimately becoming the Executive Vice President.

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Sep 11, 2024

2024 California Payroll Conference Sacramento, CA – September 11 – 13

ALL NEW for 2024!

California Payroll Conference Professional Certificates

The California Payroll Conference now has FOUR education tracks! Once you attend all classes in the track of your choice, you will receive a Professional Certificate for the track.

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What's New

May 27, 2024

DOL Finalizes Salary Threshold for ‘White Collar’ Exemption

On April 23, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a final rule to increase the minimum salary level for the Fair Labor Standards Act “white collar” exemptions in two steps:

    • On July 1, the minimum salary level increases from $684 to $844 per week (or from $35,568 per year to $43,888 per year)

    • On January 1, 2025, the minimum salary level increases from $844 to $1,128 per week (or from $43,888 per year to $58,656 per year)

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May 27, 2024

IRS Announces HSA Limits for 2025

The IRS announced the 2025 maximum contribution levels for health savings accounts (HSAs) and out-of-pocket spending limits and deductible minimums for high deductible health plans (HDHPs) that must be used in conjunction with HSAs [Rev. Proc. 2024-25, 5-9-24].

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Apr 14, 2024

New Board Member – Membership Director

Meet our New Membership Director, Holly Petrilli, CPP. Holly currently works for Yokohama Tire Corporation’s HR department as their Director, Payroll & HRIS, headquartered in Santa Ana, CA. In her current role, she is functioning as the department head and subject-matter expert for all things Payroll & HR Systems. She loves that she can exercise her analytical side, and that payroll is such an interesting niche field!

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Apr 14, 2024

New Board Member – National Liaison Officer

We have another new Board Member – Jaime Brogdon is our new National Liaison Officer. Jaime embarked on her professional journey in 1998 within the realm of payroll at a distinguished pipeline construction company. In 2000, she transitioned to a dynamic role as a Corporate Administrator at a recruiting company. During her tenure of 14 years, Jaime adeptly managed payroll and HR responsibilities for a workforce exceeding 100 employees across the nation.

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Apr 14, 2024

New Board Member – Social Director

The OCCAPA would like to announce another new board member. Please welcome Miya Vu, CPP who is our new Social Director. Miya does the planning of the social activities for the OCCAPA. In addition she will be taking photos at our events. We are so happy and very lucky to have Miya. Everyone a big round of applause and congratulations to Miya

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Apr 14, 2024

President’s Message

I am honored to welcome our new and returning members as your 2024-2025 Orange County Chapter of the American Payroll Association (OCCAPA) President. As I enter my first year as President of OCCPA, I notice that our Chapter has never been more relevant for our members and followers, payroll professionals, and HR professionals! You make our Chapter strong and amazing.

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Nov 18, 2023

California Expands Paid Sick Leave in 2024

Effective January 1, 2024, employees in California will be entitled to additional paid sick leave (PSL). The amount of PSL that an employee can take in one year will increase: the use cap will increase to 40 hours or five days in a year from 24 hours or three days in a year [S.B. 616, L. 2023].

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OCCAPA: Network. Learn. Succeed.