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Social Security Trustees Project Wage Base for 2025

  • Posted
  • May 27, 2024
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Social Security Trustees Project Wage Base for 2025

The Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Fund reports each year on the financial condition of the social security program. The 2024 Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds, issued on May 6, includes both short- and long-term projections about the social security system.

Using the “intermediate” projections, the board projects the social security wage base will be $174,900 in 2025 (up from $168,600 this year) and will increase to $242,700 by 2033. The formal announcement of the 2025 wage base will not come until mid-October.

Courtesy of PayrollOrg

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