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Nominate Candidates for The 2024-2026 OCCAPA Board of Directors

November 30, 2023


Now is the time to nominate candidates for the 2024-2026 OCCAPA Board of Directors. We welcome all members to nominate themselves or another member for any of the positions. Once candidates are gathered an online link will be sent to the membership to vote.  

Positions open are:


The President will set the Chapter goals, lead, direct, and plan Chapter activities. Preside over all Chapter and Officer’s meetings or provide a replacement. Review all corporate contracts, financial statements and any formal correspondence on behalf of the Chapter.   


The Vice-President will assist the President in all functions.  Obtain the speaker biography for use in obtaining RCH credits.  Ensure that there are adequate meeting facilities and equipment available for Chapter meetings.


The Secretary is responsible for recording minutes, resolutions, votes and note worthy events. Responsible for picking up Chapter mail and distributing it to the other Officers. Prepare the monthly newsletter based on input from other Officers and Chapter Members.


The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and reconcile the Chapter’s checking and savings account.  Assist the Membership Director with registration at the chapter meetings including collection of non-member fees.

Membership Director

The Membership Director is responsible for the attendance roster and Chapter mailing list. Handling registrations at the Chapter meetings and responsible for recording dues paid and unpaid and providing receipts for such payments as requested.

Government Liaison Officer

The Government Liaison Officer (GLO) is responsible for advising the membership of pending legislation, court decisions, etc., which effect payroll. Work with the National APA Government Affairs Office to obtain updates as applicable and to represent the Chapter.

National Liaison Officer

The National Liaison Officer is responsible for tracking all RCH units provided by the Chapter and will provide RCH certificates at the monthly meetings for Chapter members as well as Study Group facilitators. Coordinate the National Payroll Week activities and in conjunction with the Social Director.

Director of Educational Events

The Director of Educational Events shall coordinate and plan the Study Group for the OCCAPA. Register the Study Group with the National APA. Submit to the National Liaison Officer a list of Study Group facilitators for generation of RCH certificates.

Web Master

The Web Master is responsible for managing the website for update and design.  The updates include timely posting of meeting notices, Board Member updates and job postings.

Social Director

The Social Director coordinates and plans social activities for the OCCAPA. Taking photos at events and maintaining a photo album.  Photos of events should be sent to the Web Master for posting on the website. Organizes Chapter breakfast, lunch or dinner meetings.


November 30, 2023


Orange County Chapter American Payroll Association
OCCAPA: Network. Learn. Succeed.