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National Payroll Week -September 7 – 11

“America Works Because We’re Working for America.®” The money that payroll professionals collect from employees’ paychecks through the payroll withholding system is vital to the funding of important government programs that keep America working smoothly such as Medicare, the building of federal highways, social security, the U.S. military, and much more.

Celebrating NPW – John Valverde, OCCAPA Treasurer

National Payroll Week is the time to recognize and say “Thank You” to the amazing payroll professionals.  We should not only celebrate it because it is something to be extremely proud of, but to show people why this is important and why it is something to be celebrated and definitely something to talk about.  So that is why I am very excited and happy to shower John Valverde with deep appreciation in Celebration of National Payroll Week this year.


OCCAPA: Network. Learn. Succeed.